Next Step Shop

Subsidised members’ shops for anyone facing food poverty

Our Next Step Shops are subsidised members’ shops.  They are usually the ‘next step’ for clients of Redcar Area Foodbank who are still struggling to afford to feed themselves and their families, after accessing our Foodbank Centres.  Foodbank centres can usually help clients a maximum of four times in a six month period, to help people manage through a crisis.  However we know that this isn’t sometimes enough, so our Next Step Shops are there to help.

If people can afford to pay a small contribution of £3.50 towards their shopping, they can become a member and visit one of our shops on a weekly basis.  For £3.50 members can choose 10 items from the shop shelves.

All of the food items in the shops are subject to availability.  We sometimes have fresh food available, such as fruit/veg and bread products. However it will usually be tins and packets.

Shop members can be referred to other Footprints’ projects such as First Steps.

For more information please pop into one of our shops – our staff will be happy to answer your questions.

Opening Times

10 Queen Street, Redcar

Every Tuesday and Wednesday 9.30am-1pm.

Grangetown Community Hub, Derwentwater Road

Every Monday and Thursday 9.30am-1pm.

How to become a member:

Anyone who wants to become a member of the shop must fill in an Application Form. This must be counter-signed by one of the Redcar Area Foodbank centres, or a referral agency eg Social Worker, CAB, Welfare Rights.  For more information please contact 

or download a form NSS App Form Feb2024